6000 Chinese Characters
6000 Chinese Characters With Japanese Pronunciation And Japanese And English Renderings
Authors: J. Ira Jones, A.B. H. V. S. Peeke, D.D.
Publisher: Kyo Bun Kwan, Tokyo
Year: 1915
Pages: 258
Format: PDF
Size: 17.5 MB
the purpose of the compilers of this dictionary has from the first been
that of assisting fellow students, it will not be amiss to offer a few
words of suggestion as to its use, having in mind especially the needs
of those who are beginning the study of Chinese characters.
The book
is meant to be suggestive rather than exhaustive, so its purpose will
not have been achieved if many are not helped by it to pursue inquiries
far beyond what is offered here. The six thousand odd characters given
will be found, however, to cover quite thoroughly the ground traversed
by most writers.
Authors: J. Ira Jones, A.B. H. V. S. Peeke, D.D.
Publisher: Kyo Bun Kwan, Tokyo
Year: 1915
Pages: 258
Format: PDF
Size: 17.5 MB
the purpose of the compilers of this dictionary has from the first been
that of assisting fellow students, it will not be amiss to offer a few
words of suggestion as to its use, having in mind especially the needs
of those who are beginning the study of Chinese characters.
The book
is meant to be suggestive rather than exhaustive, so its purpose will
not have been achieved if many are not helped by it to pursue inquiries
far beyond what is offered here. The six thousand odd characters given
will be found, however, to cover quite thoroughly the ground traversed
by most writers.
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